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Complete Streets Initiative on California 

from Ogden to 31st Street


In 2017 and 2018, the Marshall Square Resource Network engaged organizations, youth, and adult residents in walkability studies on and around

California between Ogden and 31st Street. In the summer of 2019, this data was revalidated, nearly 150 claims were submitted through 311, and continue to be tracked in their progress.


With input from community and the MSRN Health Committee, we have identified the need for a complete streets initiative on California from Ogden to 31st Street, touching a neighborhood park, the California ‘L’ Stop, three elementary schools, and the Cook County Department of Corrections.


Complete streets are designed to be safer and more attractive for all--drivers, bikers, and walkers of all abilities while reducing air pollution and contributing to improve public health.



Click on these resources to learn more:


"Complete Streets" Initiative on California


Walkability Study Summary




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